Atlantic CrossingAtlantic Crossing Please excuse the long absence from writing this blog. The crossing knocked the stuffing out of me and shook my...
MOROCCOWOW! If you have not been to Morocco it is due time that you had. Sooo, put down the blog and book your tickets…. We pulled into Rabat...
A Coruna to LagosWhile Jessica returned to the US to get some further testing on her Lymes disease and also see an orthopedic doctor about her knee, I was...
Does cruising suck?Instead of my traditional where are we now and what are we doing blog, I thought I would write something about what it’s like living in a...
SouthboundAllot of ground has been covered since I last updated this blog. As the end of the season for Scotland was approaching, (which IMHO ends...
And then there were twoWe promised ourselves we would completely slow down once we were back to just the two of us. Well, I can say that as I write this, some...