We finally got out of Wickford after a nice 3 week trip to Marthas Vineyard. We had to stop back “in the wick” as we like to say to have Jeff finish up some of his electronic work. Of course Jeff knew about the electronics job on Cadence last year at this time but logistics and prioritizing jobs is not his strong suit. So back to the Wick we went. We left Wickford at 6pm Sunday night and arrived Stonington Harbor around 11:30 and woke up at the crack to get moving to NYC. Our wind indicator is not working, our Furuno screen keeps freezing up, and our KVH satellite internet is not working already. Why again did we stop in the Wick?? Oh ya, to have Jeff finish our project that he has taken FOREVER to finish.

So anyway, we don’t want to miss Jessica's (really our) Medspa appointment(s) at TMS on tuesday. Today we motored to little neck bay just by the Throgs Neck Bridge to stay the night and wait for a favorable tide to whisk us past Manhattan and to Battery Park where we are taking a dock space, at $6 bucks a foot!! So for $240 a night we get the priveledge to tie up with the .001%. We will likely be the smallest boat in the basin